Welcome to the website of "Sudare museum"

Sudare Museum was established in 2004 at Kawachinagano Osaka where has been famous for producing "Sudare" (woven bamboo blind) as window covering.
Our museum exhibits a number of "Sudare" rare and historically valuable both in and out of Japan also, tools and machines, literatures videos and so on.
"Sudare" was imported into Japan concurrently with the Buddhism, and it has been own development until today.
"Misu" which is one of the very classical traditional crafts of "Sudare" are hanging at shrines and temples up to the present time.
On the other hand, it has continued to evolve as new industrial products, interior design in modern architecture.
In our museum, we verify historically path of Sudare culture and potentialities of them.
Then we wish familiarize Sudare as worldwide interior design.
Also we are working actively to the development of successor in order to inherit the traditional technique of it.
We deeply look forward to visit us soon.

- 1985年(昭和60年)
- 「金剛簾」として、大阪府知事から「大阪の伝統工芸品」の指定を受ける
Our sudare was authorized as one of "Osaka Traditional Crafts" by the governor of Osaka and designated "KONGO SUDARE".
- 1994年(平成6年)
- 大阪府知事認可「大阪簾工業協同組合」を設立
Sudare industrial union which is authorized by the governor of Osaka was established.
- 1996年(平成8年)
- 経済産業大臣より「伝統的工芸品」の指定を受ける
Our Sudare was authorized as one of "Traditional Crafts" by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry.
- 2004年(平成16年)
- 「すだれ資料館」を設立
Sudare musium was established.